European community projects for BrickJournal

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European community projects for BrickJournal

Mensagem por EbBJ_Mel »

Hello all!

Well, the introduction has been done, now it’s time to get to work! Many thanks to those who have sent me their welcome, encouragement, news, email and more! I am looking forward to working with you!

Many of you may feel there is not much you can do, but that is not a problem. Every now and then I may actually need you for an upcoming article in which I will contact you for beforehand. Please note that since the European community is a little larger than I expected (I was surprised how many forums there are!), so there are many emails and forum posts to answer! That is fine, but at this stage I can’t answer all posts, but I will do what I can. However, anything that looks like it could be followed up with more information will be answered first (not in any particular order…).

Several great ideas have already been put forward, due to a few plans within BrickJournal; some are useful now and some for future issues. It is also important to add that for BrickJournal to progress and expand, we need to showcase the best! There will be times that this won’t be such an issue if the articles are related to other subjects.

When you write to me about your meetings/exhibitions/events etc, please use some of the following tips: take the BEST, LARGEST pictures you can, after all, you are showing your club’s work and you want it to look as good as it does in person (the MOCs or subject), the pictures when submitted, must be high resolution in the best quality, send more pictures than normal as it is possible that not all pictures are either of the best quality or usable (sometimes due to poor lighting or an exposure problem). If unsure, refer to older issues of BrickJournal for ideas and suggestions on what is good.

Also, one thing to remember is that BrickJournal is an outreach magazine – we want to get new people to join the hobby as well as offer something to AFOLs. All ideas are welcome, from an introduction to a building style to event reports to building instructions. With every issue we are creating a publication that engages and invites the reader (whoever they are) to be involved in the community.

Ok, so let’s get to work!

First up, we have a really early deadline (2nd February!!!)! So we need to act quickly, no bricks about it ;) – I have a couple of things you can start working on (for those who are interested):

Ideas for now:
1. European scene report*! - Let’s introduce you! I would like to do a European community introduction involving a few countries. It is possible there are too many for one issue, so some now and some in another issue, a continuing project… Whatever doesn’t make it this round can be possibly used in the future (maybe it is in early enough but a few things need to be worked on…). The European community project will be better if the following is included: A group picture (if possible – easier task for smaller groups), a club logo (if possible), a summary covering the history for your club/group including; how long you have been around for, how many members, languages you speak, the highlights of the club/group, any possible success that has come out of the club/group – media/jobs etc and what activities or events you have done in the past and plan for the future. Also kind of cool is to add links of anything in your country that is relevant to the hobby, shop links, brickshelf folders of people in your country – even if not members of your club/group) etc etc…

Ideas for another/future issue:
2. Young builders of the future*! - There are many AFOL builders out there that we know of, but also some that are not quite adult builders. If your club or your family has builders who have a great talent and building skill for their age (under 18, I consider over 18 to be a young adult), then please let me know! I would like to have a future article on ‘Great, young builders’… One never knows, these ‘kids’ could become the next great AFOL builder or even a professional, when they grow up ;) – more on that via email! (Email me for ideas and more info). So, let’s see what younger ‘children’ are building ;)

3. European design*! – Let’s face it, when it comes to architecture, furniture, car design (and more), Europe has some fantastic designs! I would like to have an article on European design, this can be you building something of your own that you have designed (must be in the European style though) and think is totally fantastic or inspired from something ‘real’. Regarding picture quality, see above. Anyone interested can contact me via email for more details.

4. Reports* from your events! - Many of you have events coming up (you can mention past ones in the history part in number 1, above) – Any events I can attend I can report myself , sadly I can’t attend all though .  Please send in your reports to me, along with pictures. Please try to include things like, how many people attended, what MOCs were there, some highlights of the event, a program of the event (event schedule), basically anything that will make the report sound great, exciting and interesting to read! Take lots of HIGH RESOLUTION pictures (the bigger, the better), and please try to get the names of the people who the MOCs belong to. Try to be as professional as possible :) If there is anything you need help with, feel free to ask me!

Ok, I think that is enough, especially if someone decides to translate it (feel free to only highlight what you think is important in your translation… I could go on forever with ideas… ;)).

Alrighty! More later, I am looking forward to loads of ideas and goodies coming my way ;)

Build, support each other, do your best and show your best! Let’s make this a bricking community!

Brickly regards,

European Bureau for BrickJournal

*Please note, at the end of the day it is not my decision if your submitted articles are accepted either for an upcoming issue or at all. I will however, send everything on to the BJ team that is submitted to me and the selection process goes from there. The better the article, the better the chance! I will work with you as much as I can (ideas and English…). If submissions are sent and used for future issues, I can contact you if anything needs updating.
European bureau for BrickJournal
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Re: European community projects for BrickJournal

Mensagem por Roger_the_gogogo »

Under 18.... that fits me! (portuguese: "é suposto falar inglês neste tópico certo?")
- Sócio nº33 -
Rogério Ribeiro

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Re: European community projects for BrickJournal

Mensagem por DavidAzevedo »

Sim, acho que podemos falar neste tópico em inglês e posteriomente passá-lo para a secção internacional. De qualquer maneira vou tentar traduzir o texto da Mel, para aqueles não tão fluentes em inglês.

Yes, I think we could leave this topic in english and put it in the International section as soon as it is created. Anyway, I will translate Mel's post for those who don't speak english.
Última edição por DavidAzevedo em 19 jan 2007, 22:29, editado 1 vez no total.
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Re: European community projects for BrickJournal

Mensagem por Farrusco »

Yes, mr David. Please translate the text. It will be your job from now on...  ;)

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Re: European community projects for BrickJournal

Mensagem por DavidAzevedo »

Desculpem lá mas parto amanhã de manhã e vou estar fora durante uns dias. Traduzo o texto assim que regressar mas se entretanto alguém quiser traduzir, força!

I am sorry but I'm leaving tomorrow morning and I will be out of the country fro a few days. I will translate it as soon as I come back. In the mean while, if someone wants to translate it go ahead!
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Re: European community projects for BrickJournal

Mensagem por figueifoto »

I think I speak for all the PLUG members when I say that we are all VERY HAPPY about this BRICKJOURNAL edition! ;D
It was a real pleasure to be part of this edition,and hope that another article about PLUG will be included in next Brickjournal!
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Re: European community projects for BrickJournal

Mensagem por Farrusco »

Já enviei os parabéns e o muito obrigado à Mel e ao Joe pelo Brick Journal #7. Um número histórico para nós, sem dúvida.

Já nos pedem mais para o próximo número. Vamos lá, malta. Escrevam, enviem-me, eu trato de enviar para um amigo meu inglês a fim de o aperfeiçoar. Assim continuaremos a divulgar a associação de afols portuguesa independente em Portugal. O prazo de entrega dos artigos para o próximo número é meio de Abril. Como tal, tentem escrever até à primeira semana de Abril para termos tudo em ordem até à data de entrega.

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Re: European community projects for BrickJournal

Mensagem por blhc11 »

I actually am under 18 and i think i have quite a few good mocs that aren't just a pile of bricks, I believe that I have some of them posted in my youtube account (blhc11), if you search for blhc11's mad creations there you might find some good creations,even if not original designs by me, most of them star wars if not all,but I would still apreciate a visit there, specialy by someone from brickjournal.(sorry that i'm so late on awsering, 2,5 years actually, but i joined after december of 2007 and i only noticed this now)

until we meet again
Keep moc'ing :fixe:
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