To try compiling all the information relevant to visitors that has been placed around here, I've opened this thread.
Localisation: Pavillion of the Hóquei Clube da Lourinhã (Hockey Club of Lourinhã) (39.244283 N, 9.312094 W approximately)
Calendar: from April 27th to May 3rd
Time:From April 27th to 30th: open to schools from 9h00 to 18h00 e to the general public from 20h30 to 23h00
From May 1st to 2nd: open to the general public from 9h00 to 18h30 and from 20h00 to 23h30
May 3rd: open to the general public from 9h00 to 18h30
Price: 2.00 €, for ages 3+
Routes: by car, from Lisbon or from Oporto; there's also the Rede Expressos bus Lisbon-Peniche, which stops at Lourinhã
Official blog:
[align=center][img width=482][/img][/align]
Exhibition: An Adventure in the world of LEGO (basic information)
Exhibition: An Adventure in the world of LEGO (basic information)
Última edição por AVCampos em 22 abr 2009, 18:57, editado 1 vez no total.